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Atmospheric and Space Flight Dynamics [Tewari, 2007] (softcover)

Modern aerospace vehicles, such as the space shuttle, other launch vehicles, and long-range ballistic missiles, do not discriminate between atmospheric and space flight. Most texts on flight dynamics, however, make this artificial distinction and therefore do not simultaneously cover aircraft and spacecraft. Bridging this gap in this book is a unified presentation, demonstrating that the two disciplines have actually evolved from the same set of physical principles. Contents Ch. 1: Introduction Ch. 2: Attitude and Kinematics of Coordinate Frames Ch. 3: Planetary Form and Gravity Ch. 4: Translational Motion of Aerospace Vehicles Ch. 5: Orbital Mechanics Ch. 6: Perturbed Orbits Ch. 7: The Three-Body Problem Ch. 8: Rocket Propulsion Ch. 9: Planetary Atmosphere Ch. 10: Elements of Aerodynamics Ch. 11: Airbreathing Propulsion Ch. 12: Atmospheric and Transatmospheric Trajectories Ch. 13: Attitude Dynamics Ch. 14: Attitude Control Systems Ch. 15: Advanced Modeling and Simulation Concepts

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  Fundamentals of Astrodynamics (Softback) [Roger R. Bate, Donald D. Mueller, and Jerry E. White - 1971] - Roger R. Bate, Donald D. Mueller, and Jerry E. White
  Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac (Completely Revised and Rewritten) (Softcover) [P. Kenneth Seidelmann (Editor) -2006] - P. Kenneth Seidelmann (Editor)
  Fundamentals of Celestial Mechanics (Second Edition) (Hardback) [J.M.A. Danby - 1992] - J.M.A. Danby
  Handbook of Geostationary Orbits ( Hardback) [E.M. Soop - 1994] - E.M. Soop
  Introduction to Space Dynamics (Softback) [William Tyrrell Thomson - 1986] - William Tyrrell Thomson
  Methods of Orbit Determination for the Micro Computer (Hardback) [Dan Boulet - 1991] - Dan Boulet
  Methods of Orbital Determination (Hardback) [Pedro Ramon Escobal - 1965] - Pedro Ramon Escobal


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